Administrative board
Manuel GEA, Bio-Modeling Systems
Manuel Gea is co-founder & CEO Bio-Modeling Systems: The world’s first Mechanisms-based Medicine company
He is Chairman of the Independent trans-discipline biotech Think Tank Adebiotech, and the co-founder and Chairman of Centrale-Santé, the French Health Think-Tank gathering 2500 members, professional involved in sector innovations and creating value for patients.
Manuel Gea (56 years old) is a serial entrepreneur & business angel developing disruptive innovations (technologies, novel therapies & business models) in the life sciences, IT, digital, healthcare & cosmetics sectors to propose disruptive integrated solutions adapted to each segment..
He spent 30 years creating value in various domains and executive jobs:
- from consumer goods Industry to cosmetics, biotechnology & pharma companies and,
- from business to R&D at Colgate-Palmolive, McKinsey, Boehringer Ingelheim, HemispherX Biopharma, Pherecydes-Pharma, BMSystems and,
- co-founding or contributing to professional organizations (Leem biotech, Medef, Medicen cluster) and Think-Tanks (Adebiotech, Centrale-Santé) to promote disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship.
He is graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris, and has a sociology of organizations degree from Paris IX Dauphine University.
Manuel Gea, is co-founder, CEO & VP R&D IT of BMSystems, The Mechanisms-Based Medicine Company dedicated to the discovery of cost-effective new therapeutic, diagnostic & preventive solutions.
CADI™ Discovery is, since 2004, the first and only to date operational “Mechanisms-based Medicine” platform, that addresses two of the major life sciences issues:
– the complexity of life’s mechanisms with its “Architectural Principle”,
– the significant unreliability of scientific and clinical publications through its “Negative Selection Principle”.
Danielle LANDO, Adebiotech

Vanessa PROUX, Sup’Biotech


Other members of the board
Alain BANIEL, Ingredia
Alain Baniel has been working in the nutrition research and food industry for more than 25 years. After a PhD in Food Sciences from the University of Nantes, France and a postdoc from Guelph University in Canada, he joined the Nestlé’s subsidiary Proteika as Scientific Director for 10 years. In 2007 he created and managed for 4 years a company specialised in the development and distribution of micronutrition for clinical and sport nutrition.
He is currently the R&D Manager at Ingredia Group. He is responsible for the implementation and coordination of a global research program that develops and investigates a portfolio of milk ingredients for the food and nutrition industries in relation to their functional and health benefits. Among different research programs, he takes a particular interest in the understanding of the digestion behaviours of proteins and its impacts to develop appropriate formula for specific nutritional needs.
Gauthier DECOCK, Eurofins
PhD in analytical chemistry with an experience of 15 years in analytical laboratories.
- Strong expertise in analytical chemistry for cosmetic products testing and pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical products testing
- Expertise in fast alternative methods for microbiological testing
- Knowledge in cosmetic and drug formulation
- Skills in regulatory affairs for cosmetic industry and for the pharmaceutical industry (GMP and submission files)
- Experience of FDA inspections
- Implementation of certifcation ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
- Management of multicompetency teams in the field of analytical chemsitry
- Building collaboration beteween business units worldwide
- Coordination of research work in collaboration with Universities
- Showing a high level of customer focus and integrity
- Ability to work under pressure and team player
Anne-Marie DELORT, CNRS – Université de Clermont Ferrand

Christophe DINI, Oroxcell
Thierry MAUGARD, Professeur des Universités, Université de La Rochelle
Thierry Maugard, est professeur de biochimie dans le département de Biotechnologies de l’université de La Rochelle. Il est l’auteur de plus de 59 publications scientifiques et de 3 brevets. Il effectue sa recherche dans l’unité CNRS LIENSs où il dirige l’axe ‘’Mécanisme d’Actions et Dysfonctionnements’’ de l’équipe ‘’Approches Moléculaires Environnement-Santé’’ du laboratoire, équipe pluridisciplinaire qui développe des approches d’ingénierie biotechnologique au profit de l’obtention de molécules actives à bénéfice santé marqué.
Ses activités de recherche concernent principalement :
- le développement de bioprocédés verts de transformation et de valorisation des ressources marines et agricoles pour les secteurs pharmaceutique, cosmétique et nutraceutique ;
- le développement de nouvelles voies de synthèse ou de transformation enzymatique de biomolécules d’intérêt ;
- le développement de systèmes innovants de traitement thérapeutique sélectifs, de diagnostic ou de vectorisation d’actifs ;
- ainsi que la compréhension des mécanismes d’action de biomolécules régulatrices de processus pathologiques tels que le cancer, le diabète, l’hypertension artérielle, le cholestérol, les troubles de la coagulation.
Samir MEZDOUR, AgroParisTech

Fabien RIOLET, Polepharma
Jean-Luc SIMON, FFBiotech

André TORDEUX, GenoScreen

Code of ethics/charters
Reports from Board meetings (French)
Permanent staff
- Danielle Lando, Vice-President
- Sylvio Bengio, Scientific coordination
- Patricia Tasset, Administration